2024年11月21日 04:46 发表于

账户被冻结,无法提取 25,000 美元!
MOT Forex 的糟糕体验。在几次成功交易后,他们封锁了我账户中的 25,000 美元,并禁用了我的 FIX API 访问权限,没有任何解释。我怀疑这家经纪商故意针对并封锁成功的交易者。无法提取资金,他们的支持要么忽略请求,要么给出一般性回复。我认为这家公司不安全、不可靠,而且可能是一个骗局。不惜一切代价避免与他们合作!
Account blocked, unable to withdraw $25,000!
Terrible experience with MOT Forex. After several successful trades, they blocked my account with $25,000 in it and disabled my FIX API access without any explanation. I suspect the broker deliberately targets and blocks successful traders. Withdrawing funds is impossible, and their support either ignores requests or gives generic responses. I consider this company unsafe, unreliable, and a potential scam. Avoid them at all costs!