2024年11月20日 21:35 发表于

那些一天打 50 次电话说“让我们赚更多,让我们加钱”的人,在你加钱之前,没有人比你更好。但之后他们就像敌人一样,不感兴趣,不相关,把你留在身边,让你犯错误,说“我们教过你”,然后让你打开反向交易,把你推得更糟。我的顾问 G*** A***,据说是最有权威的人,最完美的人。没有他们不会带去的地方,无论是迪拜人还是国外。他们总是用反向交易把我的钱全部清零。他们总共吃了 50 万美元。他们误导我说“我们是朋友,我们是土耳其人,我们是阿塞拜疆人,我们是兄弟”。他们通过打开一笔交易在一天内删除了我 28 万美元的资金。他们删除了我 9 万美元的资金,因为交易在 5 分钟内就结束了。有趣的是,我的顾问 G*** A*** 每天打开的交易都在 5 分钟内,
Those guys who call 50 times a day saying "let's earn more, let's add money", there is no one better than you until you add money. But after that they are like enemies, uninterested, unrelated, leave you with you and lead you into mistakes saying "we taught you", then make you open a reverse transaction and push you even worse. My consultant G*** A***, is supposedly the most authorized person, the most perfect person. There was no place they wouldn't take, neither to the people of Dubai nor to places abroad. They always made all my money zero with reverse transactions. They ate a total of 500 thousand dollars. They misled me by saying "we are friends, we are Turks, we are Azerbaijanis, we are brothers". They deleted 280 thousand dollars of my money in one day by opening a single transaction. They deleted 90 thousand dollars of my money because the transaction was closed in under 5 minutes. The funny thing is that the transactions my consultant G*** A*** opens daily are under 5 minutes,