Rajkumar 3247
2024年6月16日 07:03 发表于

尊敬的先生,我的名字是Rajkumar,我来自塔米尔纳德邦的塞勒姆。先生,我被VGD先锋集团俱乐部欺骗了,起初我不知道他们是伪造的骗子,现在我的生活完全痛苦,他们抢走了我所有辛苦赚来的积蓄。两个月前,我在这个Venguard账户中投资了6 lakh,他们让我购买了几只股票、区块交易、IPO等,最后我的Vanguard账户中总共有73 lakh。15天前,我向教授助理Megan Finlay提出了提取一些钱来解决我的债务和问题的请求,但她说不行,除非你先支付4.5 lakh的SIBI税款。我告诉他们我没有钱支付...我甚至请求教授和客户服务从我的Vanguard账户中扣除税款并支付税款,他们说这违法,他们无法从我的账户中扣款。先生,过去15天里,这个Megan每天都发消息要求我支付,否则账户将被冻结,现在2天前,Venguard网站无法使用,显示错误,甚至他们的照片在WhatsApp上消失了。亲爱的先生,如果您能帮助我们解决这个问题,我们将不胜感激。
unable to withdraw n force me to pay tax 4.5 lakh
dear sir my name is Rajkumar I am from Salem Tamilnadu, Sir I was being cheated by this VGD Vanguard group club firstly I don't know they are a forgery cheats now my life is totally miserable they have rob all my hard earnings life savings 2 months back I have invested 6 lakh in this Venguard lioring me to buy several stocks , block trades, IPO etc atlast i have 73lakh total in the Vanguard account 15days back I requested to the professor assistant Megan Finlay that I want to withdraw some money to solve my debt , n problems but she said no, you can't withdraw unless you pay the tax for the SIBI of 4.5 lakhs first , I told them I have no money to pay... I even request to the professor n the customer care to debit the tax amount from my vanguard account and pay the tax , they said it's against a law they are unable to debit from my account , sir for the past 15 days this Megan everyday sending message asking me to pay otherwise the account will be freeze , now 2days back the Venguard website is not working it's showing error , even their photos disappear on WhatsApp dear sir if you could please help us in this matter