Collins 7352
2024年3月17日 14:46 发表于

我在币安平台被骗了 7000 美元,用于支付不存在的商品。 来自一位币安用户,在我联系币安报告被骗事件后,币安回复说他们不知道。 请把所有的证明详细信息放在一个 zip 文件中,我需要在此处上传。 请帮我解决这个问题。 我无法再做生意了,因为所有的资金都转成加密货币,被盗了。
I was scammed a total amount of $7000
I was scammed in binance platform $7000 for paying goods that doesn't exist.
from a binance user and after l contacted binance to report the scammed, binance replied to that they don't know.
please l have all the proofs details in a zip file which l need to upload here.
please help me out concerning this issue.
I can't do my business anymore because all my capital has been stolen in the form of cryptocurrency.