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    2024年2月29日 14:06 发表于 阿联酋


    主题:关于Titan Capital Markets出金限制的投诉
    亲爱的团队,写这封信是为了表达我对Titan Capital Markets目前出金限制的强烈不满。 在我投资时,明确承诺我可以在需要时从钱包中提取资金。 然而,我最近在尝试出金时遇到了困难,这与投资过程中提供的保证矛盾。 这种不公平的出金限制令人沮丧,客户严重怀疑Titan Capital Markets的透明度和可靠性。 作为投资者,我依靠公司的诚信来履行承诺,信守承诺。 无法及时获取资金不仅扰乱了我的财务计划,还我削弱了对公司的信任。 我敦促Titan Capital Markets立即解决这个问题,遵守最初协议,解决出金问题。 如果不及时解决问题,我不得不考虑采取进一步行动来保护自己的利益,并就因这些不合理的限制而遭受的任何损失寻求赔偿。 我希望此事能得到迅速回应和解决。

    complaint regarding withdrawal restrictions
    Subject: Complaint Regarding Withdrawal Restrictions at Titan Capital Markets Dear team, I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the current withdrawal restrictions imposed by Titan Capital Markets. At the time of my investment, it was clearly promised that I would have full access to withdraw funds from my wallet whenever needed. However, I have recently encountered significant obstacles in attempting to make withdrawals, which directly contradicts the assurances provided during the investment process. This unexpected and unjust limitation on withdrawal capabilities is not only frustrating but also raises serious concerns about the transparency and reliability of Titan Capital Markets. As an investor, I rely on the integrity of the company to fulfill its commitments and uphold its promises. The inability to access my funds in a timely manner not only disrupts my financial plans but also erodes trust in the organization. I urge Titan Capital Markets to immediately address this issue and honor the original agreement by removing any impediments to withdrawals from wallets. Failure to rectify this situation promptly will force me to consider taking further action to protect my interests and seek restitution for any losses incurred due to these unjustified restrictions. I expect a prompt response and resolution to this matter. Sincerely, Neethu k sunny


