2024年2月29日 14:47 发表于

自 2023 年 8 月以来尚未收到出金
我于 2023 年 8 月 18 日出金,金额为 500 美元,Wisemarket 帐户的屏幕截图所示。 在wisemarket.com上,它显示出金成功,但我的银行账户并未收到钱款。 接下来一直要求截图,但没有解决问题。我已发送电子邮件至,但我只收到自动回复,说这是银行的问题,因为他们作为交易商已经履行了他们的职责。 当只收到相同内容的邮件时,你能从截图中看到我有多沮丧。 我当时联系了IB,但没有结果。 她坚称这是交易商的错,而不是他们的错。 我刚刚发现 wikifx 上现在有调解功能。所以我现在正试图将我的资金转移到它所属的地方:我的账户。
haven’t received withdrawal since August 2023
for context i made my withdrawal on the 18th August 2023 amounting to 500usd as can be seen on my screenshot from my account on Wisemarket. on the dashboard it says that the withdrawal was successfull however my bank account shows otherwise.
what came next was endless follow ups asking for screenshots with no settlement of the issue. i have sent emails to yet i only received computerised replies mentioning it is the bank’s problem as they as a broker have fulfilled their role in the transfer.
you can see my frustration in the screenshots when my emails were only met with the same messages. i contacted my IB at that time but to no avail. she insisted that it was the brokers’ doing and not their fault.
i just only found out that there is a mediator now available on wikifx so i am now trying to get my funds to where it belongs: my account.