Nimesh Rana
2024年1月26日 13:07 发表于

亲爱的团队,我在 GrowFx Trade 开设了账户, 并投资共50000印度卢比。 他们进行交易并赚取利润。 当我提出出金请求时,他们发送邮件说需要支付消费税和税费。 我还支付了商品及服务税(此处附有邮件的屏幕截图)。 但他们仍然没有将我的钱存入我的银行卡。
Withdraw amount not credited
Dear Team,
I have open account in GrowFx Trade. And invest total 50000 INR rupees. They was trade and make a profit. When I was placed request for withdrawal so, they was send mail to pay GST & TAX. I have also pay GST TAX (Screen shot of mail attached in this). But still they have not credited my amount in my bank.