2024年1月26日 18:50 发表于

由于出金未得到处理,数千美元被交易商盗走。在多次向该实体发送电子邮件后(未提供电话号码),一直没有得到回复。所有通过电子邮件和 facebook 的聊天都被无视。该交易商实际上不受监管,也没有明显的控制措施来管理客户资金。均附有图片:1)经纪人无视的多封邮件2)截至今日(2024 年 1 月 27 日)仍未处理的出金详情(2023 年 12 月 18 日)
Broker went silent on withdrawal request
Thousands of dollars stolen by the broker as withdrawal was not processed. Upon multiple emails to the entity (no phone number provided), there has been ZERO replies. All attempts to contact via email and facebook direct messages have been ignored. This broker is not actually regulated and does not have apparent controls in place to manage customer funds. It is likely that they have lost all customer funds and gone silent on withdrawals.All proven with attached images:1) Multiple emails sent ignored by broker2) Detail of withdrawal transaction (18 Dec 2023) still pending as of today (27 Jan 2024)