2023年7月28日 21:00 发表于

大家好,给大家提个醒,这个经纪人就是个骗子。四五个月前我在他们那里存了 1000 美元。从我入金以来,完成了 15 到 18 手的交易。 但是四五天前,我试图登录客户界面,但登录不了,并给出提示说,您的帐户被暂停使用。然后我发邮件给他们,想恢复我的访问权限。他们说您的帐户因不合作或未回复邮件而被投诉终止。我就给他们发电子邮件,向他们道歉,是因为我当时没有看邮件,请恢复我的访问权限,我会及时回复邮件并配合操作。但现在已经过去四五天了,他们也没有回复我的邮件,我的所有资金都被套住了。请帮助我解决这个问题,把我的钱从骗子经纪人手上拿回来。
account suspend and funds stop
hi everyone i want to aware all of them that this broker is real scammer i have deposit with them 1000$ 4 5 months ago and doing trading with them 15 to 18 lots since my deposit. but 4 5 days ago i was trying to login my client portal but it was not login and give error that your account suspend then i did email to support to open my access they said that your account is terminate by complaince due to not co operate or reply our email so i email them and apologize that i dint check email on that time so please open my access i will reply and co operate but its more then 4 5 days now they are not responding also my any email and all of my funds stuck in this broker please help me in this issue and release my funds to this scammer broker.