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    2023年7月28日 19:54 发表于 巴基斯坦


    你好,我是希巴·阿里,来自巴基斯坦。 4 个月前,我在 db Investment 开设了一个账户,并入金了 1000 美元。 我在这段时间积极交易,也保存了历史交易截图。 我在这段时间内做了至少 9 到 12 手交易。 事发突然,我需要钱来给我女儿治疗,所以我想从账户中提取本金和利润,一共1234 美元。 但他们要我提供上周的资料,很多资料都是和出金不相关的。 我提供了所有的文件,但最后他们只给了我 940 美元。 他们私吞了我所有的利润,还少了我 60 美元的本金。 所有,我建议大家不要与此类诈骗经纪人合作,你刚开始交易的时候,只需要使用身份证件和地址来验证帐户。 但之后,如果想出金,那就要处理很多问题,而且账户里资金也面临很大的风险。附上我交易时的截图。

    scammer broker
    hello,this is hiba ali from pakistan i made an account with db investing 4 months ago and deposited 1000$ in my account and i do trading on it in this tenure actively and i have also trading history screenshot i do atleast 9 to 12 lots may be in this tenure suddenly i need some money  for the treatment of my daughter so i decide to made a withdrawal from my account with my profit amount 1234$. then they ask me multiple irrelavent documents for last 1 week i provide all required documents to them but in last they send me 940$ they ate my all profit and also less from my principle amount 60$ so i suggest to everyone please dont work with these type of scammers brokers because when you start work they verify your account with just id and proof of address but after then if you make a withdrawal with them then you have to face so much issues and also your money is in too much risk i am also attaching screenshots here of our conversations in this tenure.


