2023年7月25日 07:33 发表于

我用 USDC 平台进行交易并从朋友那里贷款。他们让我支付 20% 的余额税和 20% 的账户管理费,然后他们要求提取余额的 50% 以作为担保,以便能够出金,并说已存入我的账户。但他们没有这样做。一共是 580 美元。我有所有证据。现在我的钱在我的账户中,但无法出金,我能做些什么来拿回我的资产呢? 现在出金申请正在等待审核,怎样才能收回资金呢?请回答我
I can't withdrawal
I use USDC for trade and loan from my friends, they ask me to pay 20% of balance for tax and also 20%more for account management and then they ask to withdrawal 50% of my balance for security to able to have withdrawal and say it deposited to your account but they didn't do that it was 580$ I have all these evidence, now my money is in my account but I can't withdrawal, could you help me what can I do to bring back my estate?
Now I have a withdrawal request in pending review , if you could help me how to able receive that?
Please answer me