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    2022年10月27日 17:29 发表于 美国

    FVP Trade即使他们的网站关闭也无法逃脱

    FVP Trade骗了我们很多人并跑路了,但他们不能像那样卷走我的资金。这一切都始于我被一位在线朋友介绍给该经纪人时,后来我意识到他是整个骗局的一部分。我从我的交易所将资金转移到 fvp 钱包地址,以便为我的 mt5 账户提供资金并开始交易。我交易到了某个点,我决定退出,所有的提款请求都被拒绝了。请求被拒绝后不久,他们的网站就被关闭了,那时我痛苦地意识到我卷入了一场骗局。我咨询了一位技术朋友,他建议我与私人调查公司联合向网络犯罪警察部门报告,结果如下所示,我的证明如下,显示了我的存款和其他。

    FVP Trade Couldn't Get Away even though their website is down
    FVP trade have swindled a lot of us and absconded but they couldn't get away with my funds just like that.It all started when i was introduced to this broker by an online friend whom i later realized to be part of the whole scam. I transferred funds to FVP wallet address from my exchange so as to fund my MT5 account and started trading. I traded to a certain point where i decided to withdraw and all withdrawal requests were declined. Not too long after the requests were declined, Their website got shut down and it was at that point I realized painfully that I have been involved in a scam. I made consultations to a Tech friend who advised I report to the cybercrime police department with joint conjunction with private investigative firms and the outcome is represented below in my proofs below showing my deposits and others.


