2022年10月27日 18:08 发表于

Ruiwin 骗了我,但我从不放弃
我在微信上认识了一位女士,她利用感情欺骗了我,让我投资了这个名为 Ruiwin 的骗局,并通过我的加密货币交易所的存款向系统注入了资金。我被指派了一位交易指导员,他指导我完成所有交易,获得的利润多于亏损,当我想退出并退出时,我被扣了 20% 的税费,这显然是我没有支付的。我对 Ruiwin 进行了彻底的研究,发现了很多关于他们的差评,以及这一切都是一场骗局
Ruiwin Scammed me but I never give up
I met a lady on WeChat and she deceived me by taking advantage of my emotions , made me invest in this scam scheme called Ruiwin and after injecting funds into the system via deposits from my cryptocurrency exchange. I was assigned a trading instructor who guided me through the all the trades done , more profits were made than losses and when i wanted to opt out and withdraw, I was slammed with a 20% tax fees which I obviously didn’t pay. I researched thoroughly into Ruiwin and found so many bad reviews about them and how it is all a scam operation