2022年7月12日 11:54 发表于

他们要求我以奖金的形式匹配进行另一笔相同金额的存款,但直到Assetsclaimback/com让我意识到我被利用了,并整理了一个案子,我才意识到这是一个骗局。他们帮助我从这家不诚实的交易公司收回了我的存款。我在第一天就因为推荐而赔了钱。 Ingoinvest 只希望您投入更多资金,以便他们获得更高的佣金;他们不在乎您是否会失去投资。
Topiato scam exposure
They asked me to match another deposit with the same amount in the form of a bonus, but I didn't realize this was a scam until the Assetsclaimback/com group made me realize I was being taken advantage of and put together a case, which helped me recover my deposit from this dishonest trading company. I lost my money from the recommendation on the first day. Ingoinvest only wants you to invest more money so they may receive a greater commission; they do not care if you lose your investment.