2022年7月12日 12:18 发表于

但是,一旦您进入交易,价格就会发生变化,您会发现自己处于一个赔率不大的交易中,尤其是当您处于高度操纵的短期交易时。真实价格和图表将显示为真实的“实时”价格。如果您获得可观的利润,任何长期交易都将被关闭,如果资产与目标达到一定距离,无论是否达到止损价格,都会执行止损。他们扣押了我的钱,直到集体诉讼 Assetsclaimback/com 获得批准并且我的投资得到了偿还。 Ingoinvest 太黑了;这更像是赌博。我不会再使用它们了。
unable to withdraw
However, once you enter the trade, the price changes and you will find yourself in a trade with improbable odds, especially if you are short-term trading, which is highly manipulated. The true price and graphs will show as the true "live" price. Any long-term trades are closed off if you are making a sizable profit, and stop losses will be executed if the asset reaches a certain distance from the goal, whether or not it hits the stop loss price. They held my money hostage until the class action lawsuit Assetsclaimback/com was approved and my investment was paid back. Ingoinvest is too shady; it's more like gambling. I won't use them once more.