2022年7月2日 04:35 发表于

他们不能取款 小心诈骗
非常友好,最初通过常规电话提供帮助,然后他们开始要求更多的钱,当我拒绝时,他们对我失去了所有兴趣,我无法再联系我的顾问。我等了又等了将近一个月,因为我要求退出并且没有得到任何东西让我向 Traceasset / org 提交报告,他们调查了他们,后来我的钱回来了,他们很黑并有更多的问题,需要更多付款。远离他们,他们是不值得信任的
They have withdrawal impossible SCAM BEWARE
Very friendly and. helpful initially with regular phone calls, then the requests for more money started and when i refused they lost all interest in me and i could no longer contact my advisor. i waited and waited and it was almost a month since i requested for withdrawal and not getting anything made me file a report with Traceasset/ org who opened up and investigation on them and i was later refunded my money, They did me dirty and kept on bringing more issue which required more payment. stay away from them the are not to be trusted