2022年7月2日 04:03 发表于

很多关于Zeus Capital的正面评价让我想知道这些人是谁,因为我对他们绝对没有什么正面的评价,而且我相信很多其他人也会这么说,几周以来我试图提款,但不行而且没有人能给我解释发生了什么。相反,我被告知我必须投入更多的钱才能出金。我被迫使用Traceasset/org的服务,后来实现全额退款。不要浪费你的时间和金钱,他们会剥夺你的一切。
They make withdrawal impossible
Lots of positive reviews about Zeus Capital which makes me wonder who this people are because I have absolutely nothing positive to say about them, and I am sure many others will say the same, for weeks I tried to make a withdrawal but I wasn't able to and no one could give me an explanation as to what was going on instead I was told i'll have to put in more money to be able to withdraw I was forced to employ the services of Traceasset/ org which later resulted to a full refund of my money do not waist your time and money they will rip you of both.