2022年4月25日 06:59 发表于

我自十月以来投资了Elio International,一直都没有问题。我现在需要提取我的回报,并且发现了其他人都知道的事情;Elio International是黑交易商。验证外部帐户花了3多周的时间,然后我要求将一些资金转给我,令人震惊的是,我收到一封电子邮件,通知我我的提款请求已获批准,但没有进行任何转帐。我立即向fintrack /org提交了投诉并拨打了电话,几分钟后,他们确认我的请求已收到,并将在一到两天内处理。到目前为止,该请求仍处于未决状态,但我提交的投诉让我获得了退款。我一直在想,为什么提款请求需要处理这么长时间?它应该几乎是自动的,并且应该在同一天或最多第二天进入外部银行帐户或钱包。一家公司如何为这种过时的做法辩护?
withdrawal restriction
I have invested in Elio International since October without a problem. I now needed to withdraw the return on my investment and have discovered what everyone else knows; that Elio International is a fraudulent broker. It took over 3 weeks to get the external account validated, then I asked for some of the funds to be transferred to me, shockingly I received an email notifying me that my request for withdrawal has been approved but no transfer took place. I immediately submitted a complaint to fintrack /org and made a phone call to Elio International a few minutes later where they confirmed my request was received and would be processed in one to two days. The request would still have been pending till now, but the complaint I submitted got me a refund. I kept thinking to myself Why does a request for withdrawal need to be processed for so long? It should be almost automatic and should be in the external bank account or wallet the same day or at most the next day. How can a firm justify such outdated practices?