2022年4月17日 08:05 发表于

我相信Elio International是隐藏在背后来管理您的帐户的平台之一,而实际上,它们正在破坏您的投资组合。他们是一个可疑的平台。尽管他们面对的是经验丰富的交易专业人士,但我所有的 10 万美元初始资本都花光了,但是指定的客户经理对我的交易账户的处理不当让我大开眼界;但他也提出帮助找回我的帐户,但附带的惩罚性奖金使这不可能。他们每提供 1000 美元来挽救您的账户,但附加了一些荒谬的条件,例如之前交易量的 30%。我非常失望,几乎一无所有。 assetsclaimback[007c] com 收到了我的请愿书并调查了这个问题,确保我迅速恢复。我对这个骗人的的elio平台有过第一手的经验,并且不希望任何其他人成为受害者,不要和他们一起投资!
Scammers, unable to withdraw for days.
I believe Elio international are one of those platforms who hide behind the cloak of managing your account while in the actual sense, they are wrecking your portfolio. They are a dubious platform. All my initial capital of $100k gone despite the fact that they fronted as well seasoned professionals in trading, however the mishandling of my trading account by the assigned account manager opened my eyes; but he also offered to help retrieve my account but the punitive bonuses attached made that impossible. For every $1000 dollar they offer to salvage your account, but with ridiculous conditions attached, like 30% of the former trade volume. I was utterly disappointed and left with close to nothing. AssetsClaimBack|com received my petition and looked into the issue, ensured my recovery hastily. I've had a firsthand experience with this fraudulent Elio platform and wouldn't want any other person to fall victim, a stitch in time saves nine. Do not invest with them!