2022年4月17日 07:39 发表于

我在我的交易账户中投资了 3 个月的 17k 美元,我要求从我的利润中提取一些钱,我的客户经理 patrick 试图说服我把钱留在账户中,这样我会获得更多收益,但我坚持要提取一些。不久之后,交易平台上的某个人叫 david Goldman,介绍了他自己是新的客户经理,他开始从我的账户进行交易,鲁莽地提高杠杆率,尝试将账户设为负值,他确保账户被耗尽,我就是这样知道我被骗了,我在网上阅读的一篇文章将我引导至资产索回恢复服务,后来导致我在联系警方、我的律师和不同的追索公司后取回了我的钱。在这种情况下的任何人都可以伸出两个他们,避开 林顿金融并找到另一个平台,他们使用假的离岸许可证在合法的金融公司下运营和隐藏,以欺骗无辜的人。当心。
Liton is a complete waste of time and money
I invested 17k usd in my trading account for 3 month I requested to withdraw some money from my profits, my account manager Patrick tried to persuade me to keep the money in the account so I will get more gain but I insist to withdraw some. Soon after some body called from the trading platform named David Goldman, introduced him self as new account manager he started to trade from my account recklessly putting the leverage high, try to put the account negative he make sure the account is depleted, thats how i knew i was Scammed, An article i read online lead me to Assetsclaimback recovery service, which later resulted in me getting back my money after reaching out to the police,my lawyer and different recovering companies. Anyone in this same situation can reach out 2 them, steer away from Linton Financial and find another platform they use fake offshore license to operate and hide under legitimate financial company to scam innocent people beware.