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    2022年2月16日 18:36 发表于 美国


    我从迈克尔·罗杰 (+44 7865 708491) 那里知道这家公司。他的公司最初是Sushi Global投资,然后在 12 月,根据他的信息,该公司与mkndyltd (www.mkndyltd.com) 合并。自 2021 年 10 月下旬以来,我与他使用meta Trader 5进行外汇交易,总共投资了 51,650 美元(通过几次电汇)。直到 2022 年 1 月中旬,我的账户中有 239,795.17 美元(投资和利润)。当我想提取利润时,他要求我提前缴纳税款。这不对。在多次坚持要他关闭我的帐户后,他完全从Whatsapp对话中消失了。这是我人生中的一个大错误。我信任了错误的人和公司。所以,要小心。 www.mkndyltd.com 网站仍然有效并且看起来合法。但他们是骗子。他们不是 FCA(英格兰)或 NFA(美国)的成员。我已经向美国的执法部门和 CFTC 报告了这种欺诈行为。

    Scammed company and Broker
    I know this company from the broker of Michael Roger (+44 7865 708491). His company is initially Sushi Global investing and then in December, per his information, the company merged with mkndyltd (www.mkndyltd.com). I have a forex trading using meta trader 5 with him since end of October 2021 and has invested in total of $51,650 (through several wire transfer). Until mid January 2022, in my account I have $239,795.17 (investment and profit). When I would like to withdraw the profit, he ask me to pay the tax in advance. This is not right. After insisting him to close my account several times, he disappeared from the Whatsapp conversation completely. This is a big mistake in my life. I trusted wrong person and company. So, be careful. The www.mkndyltd.com website is still active and it looks legitimate. But they are scammer. They are not member to FCA (England) nor NFA (USA). I reported this fraud to the law enforcement and CFTC in the US already.


