Kristy T.
1天前 发表于

四个月前我认识了这个投资平台,并存入了 215,700.00 美元。一切似乎都很顺利,但当我准备要求提取我的资金时,我被要求支付费用,然后平台就消失了。两天前, VINIL fx 向邮件发送了一份声明,解释了发生的事情,并承诺解决我的资金提取问题。我只想要回我所有的钱!这是我辛苦赚来的钱,我希望他们真的会帮助我提取我的钱。我想要一个快速的解决方案,否则我将继续揭露 VINIL平台。
VinilFX promises to solve the withdrawal problem.
I got to know the investment platform 4 months ago and made a deposit of 215,700.00 USDT. Everything seemed to be going well but when I was about to request the withdrawal of my funds I was asked to pay the fee and then the platform disappeared.
Two days ago the CEO of VinilFX sent a statement to the mail, explaining what happened and promised to solve the withdrawal of my funds.
I just want all my money back please! It's my hard earned money and I hope it's real that they are going to help me withdraw my money.
I want a quick solution or I will continue to expose the VINIL platform.