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    Emircan Sari
    2025年3月11日 15:15 发表于 黑山

    我被严重骗了 4T

    我被严重骗了 4T公司我是 54202055-emircan sari 账户的所有者。在我开始投资 4T公司,我亏了一段时间的钱,这个过程还在继续,在我开始赚钱并意识到我的利润率后,提款过程比平时花费的时间更长。当我问原因时,他们说我的账户正在以*滥用奖金*的名义接受审查,他们会回复我。几天后,没有向我提供任何信息或文件,我的mt5账户中就删除了4133美元,没有提供任何信息电子邮件或文件。在接下来的过程中,我礼貌地询问 4T公司再次将已删除的金额发送给我。然而,他们没有以任何方式善意地与我联系。我坚持要求他们向我发送证据,尽管我要求提供有关他们声称的诽谤的确切信息,但我从未得到积极的答复。所有内容都附在本电子邮件中

    I was seriously scammed by the 4T
    I was seriously scammed by the 4T company I am the owner of the 54202055-Emircan Sari account. After I started investing in the 4T company, I lost money for a while and this process continued, after I started earning money in the next process and realized my profit margins, the withdrawal process took longer than usual. When I asked the reason, they said that my account was being reviewed under the name of *bonus abuse* and that they would get back to me. A few days later, without providing me with any information or documents, $4133 was deleted from my MT5 account, no informative e-mail or document was provided. In the following process, I politely asked the 4T company to send me the deleted amount again. However, they did not approach me with good intentions in any way. I insistently asked them to send me evidence, and although I requested definitive information about the defamation they claimed, I was never given a positive response. All is attachted to this email


