2025年2月14日 09:26 发表于

埃 XLibre经纪人是骗局
主题:关于投资和辅助服务的正式投诉 亲爱的:https://exalibre.com/,support@exalibre.com,backoffice@exalibre.com,clientaudit@exalibre.com,trading@exalibre.com。我写信是为了正式投诉贵公司提供的投资和/或辅助服务。以下是根据您所述的投诉处理程序所需的详细信息:1. IFRAH HASSAN AHMED2.交易账户:1015873.受影响的交易号码:76,252.35 美元4.问题日期和描述:2025 年 1 月 8 日,我试图提取我辛苦赚来的 40,000 美元存款加上辛苦赚来的利润,总计 76252.35 美元•日期:[问题发生日期] 2025 年 8 月 1 日•描述:[清楚地概述问题,包括对服务不满意的任何相关细节、时间表和遇到的具体问题。]。这个问题只发生在我要求提款所有余额 76252.35 美元的那天,之前我经常要求用
Exlibre broker is scam scheme
Subject: Formal Complaint Regarding Investment and Ancillary Services
Dear: https://exalibre.com/, support@exalibre.com, backoffice@exalibre.com, clientaudit@exalibre.com, trading@exalibre.com.
I am writing to formally lodge a complaint regarding the investment and/or ancillary services provided by your company. Below are the required details in accordance with your stated Complaints Handling Procedure:
2. Trading Accoun: 101587
3. Affected Transaction Numbers: 76,252.35$
4. Date and Description of the Issue: 8th of january 2025 when I tried to withdraw all my hard earned deposited 40,000 plus hard earned profits total of 76252.35$
• Date: [Date the issue occurred] 8/1/2025
• Description: [Clearly outline the issue, including any relevant details about the dissatisfaction with the service, timelines, and specific problems encountered.]. This issue occurred only the day I requested all my balance 76252.35$ withdrawals, before i used to request small with