2025年2月11日 03:58 发表于

我被说服向账户存入 10,000 美元,公司免费提供 5000 美元,后来账户亏了 7000 美元,他们突然从后端更改了利差,将我的账户变为 13,000 美元,然后他们又打电话给我存入更多,说实话,请远离他们......即使他们没有阿联酋或美国的监管许可证,那些都是骗子......我会添加我的 insta,如果有人有更多的澄清我可以给出,因为我不想让任何人失去他们的血汗钱......这是我现在唯一的胜利......请远离......asad_kg (insta)
Dont invest - scammers - no license - illegal
I was convinced to deposit 10,000 $ in to account offering free 5000$ from company, later the account was in deficit of 7000$ and suddenly they changed spread from backend taking my account to 13000$ and then again they called me to deposit more, honestly please stay away.... even they dont have regulation license of UAE or USA those are scammers... i am adding my insta if any one have more clarifications i can give because I don't want anyone to loose their hard money... this is my only win now... please stay away..