2025年2月8日 06:07 发表于

Octafx 封锁了我的账户并拒绝我的提款
我一直在用 Octa过去一年的外汇。当我亏损的时候一切都很好,但是当我最终盈利并要求提款时,他们封锁了我的账户并拒绝了我 462 美元的提款。 Octa fx 骗了我!我发了多封电子邮件,但还没有回复。 Octa fx,不要欺骗印度用户——退还我的 462 美元!我的帐号:48198739
OctaFX Blocked My Account & Denied My Withdrawal
I have been using OctaFX for the past year. Everything was fine when I was making losses, but when I finally made a profit and requested a withdrawal, they blocked my account and declined my $462 withdrawal. OctaFX scammed me! I sent multiple emails, but there has been no response. OctaFX, don't scam Indian users—refund my $462!
My Account Number: 48198739