小偷,骗子,不要相信他们,尤其是 Salik 股票。
Thieves, don't believe them, every day they want to deposit money, they eat forbidden money, God willing, Zaqqum is in their stomachs, all of them, the first of them is Abdulghani who registered me and said you can withdraw at any time, of course he lied, and Ayad and Waad, they are all thieves, liars and swindlers, may God punish you, God willing, spend the money on your health, and Waad swears and swears on Friday that she will return the money to me, and she did not return anything, and you cannot withdraw the money, they refuse the transaction, don't take risks and don't deposit a single dirham, it's all lies, fraud and deception, and after that she made a move when I came to deposit the amount in dollars, she transferred it to euros because it is more expensive, of course, and she convinced me that they are a legal company, but rather fraudulent, and every now and then I get a call from a different number, don't believe them, they exploit Salik shares and defraud people, may God paralyze their hands and minds, and may God punish them all, my right will not be lost with God, and I did not forgive them or pardon them