2025年2月2日 09:27 发表于

我最初在一位名叫 Abhishek 的客户经理 (RM) 的指导下投资了 1,000 美元进行外汇交易。第一天,他提供了一项交易建议,让我获利 55 美元。然而,第二天,他给我做了一笔交易,很快就亏损了 150 美元。当这笔交易亏损时,他向我施压,要求我向特斯拉投资 4 万美元,拒绝接受拒绝。我感到不舒服,于是要求换一位客户经理,一位名叫 Rizwan 的新经理被分配到我的账户。不幸的是,他对我的交易管理不善,最终导致我的账户爆仓。尽管我亏损了,但他们一直向我施压,要求我存入更多资金,而不是提供任何真正的支持。这次经历简直就是一场骗局,目的是让投资者陷入无休止的存款陷阱,而他们的账户则会被系统地抽干。
Scam Alert!!
I initially invested $1,000 in forex trading under the guidance of a relationship manager (RM) named Abhishek. On the first day, he provided a trade recommendation that earned me a $55 profit. However, the next day, he gave me a trade that quickly went into a $150 loss. While the trade was in the red, he pressured me heavily to invest $40,000 in Tesla, refusing to take no for an answer.
Feeling uncomfortable, I requested a different RM, and a new manager named Rizwan was assigned to my account. Unfortunately, he mismanaged my trades, ultimately blowing up my account. Despite my losses, they kept pressuring me to deposit more money instead of providing any real support.
This experience was nothing short of a scam, designed to trap investors into endless deposits while their accounts are systematically drained.