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    2025年1月28日 23:10 发表于 肯尼亚

    Exlibre 经纪人或 lindholm 是骗子经纪人

    Exlibre 或 lindholm 经纪商骗走了我辛苦赚来的 40,000 美元存款加上我从市场上赚取的 36,000 美元利润,总计 76,252.35 美元余额,我看到我的账户增长了,我过去经常从他们那里进行的小额提款,2025 年 1 月 8 日,我决定提取我所有的钱,因为他们的交易条件很难,点差很大,而且他们最近向我的账户引入了掉期,尽管我的账户是伊斯兰账户。Kypros Kyprianou 是这家经纪商的所有者,他在塞浦路斯 +357 99 346188 是他的电话号码,我有加入 exlibre 时的所有证据,Konstantinos 是老板的好朋友,他带我来告诉我这家经纪商是他亲爱的朋友,我不会遇到任何问题,我甚至问他们,因为他们不在肯尼亚,我怎么会相信他们,如果明天他们扣留我的钱或骗我怎么办,他们告诉我这不可能发生。现在事情发生了,kypros 在 whatsapp 上屏蔽了我,带我来的他的朋友说,他的朋友,也就是老板,做错了,他在骗我。我想要我的 76252.35 美元

    Exlibre broker or lindholm is scamer broker
    Exlibre or lindholm broker scamed my hard earned deposited 40,000$ plus my profits I made from market 36000$ total of 76252.35$ balance, I saw to grow my account the small withdrawals I used to make they used to give me, on January 8th 2025 I decided to withdraw all my money as their trading conditions was hard as spread was huge and they introduced recently swap to my account despite my account being islamic. Kypros Kyprianou is the owner of this broker, who is in cyprus +357 99 346188 his number, I have all proofs of when I was joining exlibre Konstantinos dear friend to the owner brought me in telling me this broker own his dear friend and I will not face any issues, I even asked them since they not in kenya how will I trust them, what if tomorrow they hold my money or scam me, they told me it can't happen. Now it happened the kypros blocked me on whatsapp and his friend who brought me in says his friend who is the owner is doing wrong and he is scaming me.i wnt my 76252.35$


