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    2024年12月18日 11:58 发表于 土耳其

    警告 BDSWISS

    我想分享我的经验 BDSWISS,一家受塞舌尔金融服务管理局 (FSA) 监管的经纪商 (许可证号:sd047)。 5 年来,我一直是这家外汇公司的会员。 2024 年 11 月 22 日,我提交了 93 美元的提款请求,但 27 天后,我仍未收到我的资金。 尽管与他们的支持团队进行了多次跟进,但我只收到了模糊的答复,没有任何解决方案或明确的时间表。 我还向塞舌尔金融服务管理局 (FSA) 提出了正式投诉,但不幸的是,到目前为止尚未得到任何结果。 这种延迟造成了极大的挫败感,并引发了人们对该公司的可靠性和对客户的承诺的严重担忧。 我敦促其他人在与这家经纪商打交道时要谨慎,并考虑其他选择。 如果您遇到过类似的问题,我鼓励您向相应的监管机构报告您的经历并分享以警告其他人。

    Warning About BDSwiss
    I want to share my experience with BDSwiss, a broker regulated by the Financial Services Authority Seychelles (License No: SD047). For 5 years I have been a member of this forex company. On November 22, 2024, I submitted a withdrawal request for $93 USD, but after 27 days, I have yet to receive my funds. Despite repeated follow-ups with their support team, I have only received vague responses without any resolution or clear timeline. I have also filed a formal complaint with the Financial Services Authority Seychelles (FSA), but unfortunately, no outcome has been provided so far. This delay has caused significant frustration and raises serious concerns about the company's reliability and commitment to its clients. I urge others to exercise caution when dealing with this broker and to consider alternative options. If you've faced similar issues, I encourage you to report your experience to the appropriate regulatory authorities and share it to warn others.


