2024年12月18日 01:30 发表于

您的印度高管 Rahul 对我实施了欺诈,我在贵公司投资了 20,000 美元,您的高管名叫 Rahul,他的电话号码是 +918684828690,他通过自我交易管理我的帐户,12 月 2 日,他在未经我许可和知情的情况下在我的帐户中启动了 AI BOAT,当天他损失了 10,000 美元,之后我明确指示停用我帐户中的所有 Boat,12 月 17 日,我提出提取 8978 美元的请求,但有人再次在我的帐户中启动了 AI BOAT,并将我的帐户清零,不要向这家欺诈公司投资一分钱
Your Indian Executive Rahul Done Fraud with me I made an investment of 20000 USd in Your Company
Your Executive Named Rahul his phone no is +918684828690
He is managing my Ac by Self Trading
On Dated 2nd Dec he is activated AI BOAT in my Ac without my permission and Knowledge
He made a loss of 10000 usd on that day
After that I had given clear instructions to deactivate all Boat in my ac
On Dated 17th Dec I put request of withdrawal of 8978 USD and again some one activated AI BOAT IN MY ACCOUNT AND MADE MY ACCOUNT ZERO
Do not invest single USd in this fraud Company