2024年11月27日 12:02 发表于

VITTAVERSE骗了我。他们从我的账户中扣除了 12534 美元的余额 VITTAVERSEcrm 钱包。他们拒绝了我的提款,也没有给我拒绝的理由,现在他们还删除了我的全部余额。他们没有回复我的电子邮件。我现在无法提取我的资金。我发送了电子邮件,但他们停止回复。他们没有给出任何理由。他们也对许多其他客户这样做。我猜他们面临违约并关闭他们的经纪商,现在正在窃取客户的钱。趁还来得及,赶紧提取你的全部资金。管理人员 marc memoni 和其他管理人员是这次骗局的幕后黑手。请与其他交易者分享此信息,以挽救他们的资金。
Vittaverse scam $12534
Vittaverse scammed me. They removed my balance of $12534 from my Vittaverse CRM wallet. They declined my withdrawal and did not give me a reason for decline and now they removed my total balance. They are not replying to my emails. I can not withdraw my funds now. I send emails but they stop replying. They did not provide any reason for this.
They are doing this to many other clients as well. I guess they facing default and closing their broker and now stealing client's money. Withdraw your total capital before it is too late.
The management person Marc Memoni and other management are behind this scam. Please share this information with other fellow traders to save their money.