2024年11月8日 12:02 发表于

这是一位 Froud 经纪人。
这是一家欺诈经纪商。我在这里的账户价值 50,000 美元。它是由来自迪拜的 Harish Parmar 开设的,他来自印度古吉拉特邦。Harish 现在在迪拜进行公司推广,可以拨打 +971529071889 联系他。我的账户中没有掉期费。对于 16 种货币,在它们达到主要利润之前没有掉期费。但是,一旦达到主要利润,我就被收取 1 标准手每天 250 美元的费用。Harish 告诉我等 7 天,声称他会处理这件事,因为他来自公司,但他没有做到。他承诺会降低掉期费,但没有做到,我最终损失了 42,000 美元。我交谈过的其他人也遇到过这种情况。这些经纪商是骗子。如果他们继续这样做,我会向印度政府投诉,让他们被禁止。他们在掠夺人们的钱。
This is a Froud broker.
This is a Froud broker. My account here is worth $50,000. It was opened by Harish Parmar from Dubai, who is originally from Gujarat, India. Harish, now in Dubai for company promotion, can be contacted at +971529071889. There are no swap charges in my account. For 16 currencies, there is no swap charge until they reach the main profit. However, once the main profit is reached, I have been charged $250 per day on one standard lot. Harish told me to wait for 7 days, claiming he would handle it as he is from the company, but he did not follow through. He promised to reduce the swap charges, but that wasn’t done, and I ended up losing $42,000. This has happened to others I spoke with. These brokers are frauds. If they continue this, I will complain to the Government of India to have them banned. They are looting people's money.