2024年10月30日 06:45 发表于

一个叫 Abdullah 的人每隔几分钟就打电话给我。当我告诉他 wilifix 的评级参考时,他告诉我 wikifix 本身就是一家敲诈公司。我们不付钱给他们,所以他们在对我们不利。我被说服了,投资了 3000 美元。我被任命为一位名叫 Ismail 的 RM,他总是发出错误的信号,让我在几天内损失了所有的钱。我的错误是相信了这些人,因为他们是我的同胞。他们总是告诉我要开立与资金流相反的头寸,这就是我的账户在几天内因巨额损失而被洗劫一空的原因。他们会打电话给你,他们会试图成为你的朋友,他们会用谦虚的言辞让你觉得他们是值得信赖的,但不要上当受骗。他们只是掠夺者,永远不会让你拿回你的钱。你会被一次又一次地要求存入更多资金以弥补之前的损失。为了你自己的安全,不要这么做。
A group of scammers. Do not invest your hard money
I was approached by a person named Abdullah who was calling me every few mins.
I was convinced and invested 3000 USD. I was appointed an RM named Ismail who always gave the wrong signals and make me lose my whole money in few days.
My mistake was to trust such people as they were my country fellows. They always told me to open the position opposite to the flow which was the reason my account was washed out in few days dew to heavy losses.
They will call u, they will try to b your friends, they will use such humble words where u feel they are trustable but do not fall for the scam. They are only looters and will never let you take your money back.
You will be asked again and again to deposit more in order to recover the previous losses. DO NOT DO THAT FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY.