2024年10月5日 18:48 发表于

Fxtmarkettradex 是一个骗局
一位南非女士向我介绍了这个平台,我投资了 1500 美元,但当我尝试提款时,却无法提款,我必须向专家交易员支付 10% 的费用、网络费、延迟费和银行反映费,我在这个骗局平台上损失了大约 2000 美元,我警告大家不要像我一样成为这个骗局的受害者,我在这个骗局中损失了大约 2000 美元,他们会显示虚假的利润,并向你发送虚假的银行短信通知来窃取你的钱
Fxtmarkettradex is a scam
I was introduced to this platform by the lady in South Africa and invested $1500 but when I try to withdraw, I couldn't I was to pay expert trader 10%,network fee,delayed fees and bank reflection fee, I lost about $2000 in this scam platform, I warn people not to become a victim of this scam like me, I lost about $2000 in this scam, be cere full of this they will show fake profits and send you fake sms bank notification to steal your money