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    我会牺牲我的本金来揭露 智汇

    我不再关心我的本金了——我来这里是为了揭露这个平台,防止其他人像我一样成为受害者。我周围的许多人都失去了资金和利润,现在是我们站在一起的时候了! 智汇把客户当傻子一样对待。他们欢迎亏损客户,但会用尽各种手段阻止盈利客户提款。这是一个典型的骗局——一个针对毫无戒心的交易者的陷阱!自去年 12 月他们阻止我的提款以来,我在五个月内发送了 11 封电子邮件,却没有收到任何回复。我向监管机构提出了多起投诉,提供了所有必要的证据。6 月 19 日,他们声称他们“仍在调查”,但没有取得任何进展。现在,九个月后,在 9 月 11 日又收到一次投诉后,他们用更多的空头承诺来回应。在我于 9 月 13 日在 trustpilot 上揭露他们之后,他们终于联系了我——不是真正的帮助,而是威胁!他们要求我删除我的帖子,否则我可能会失去本金,而他们只是

    I'll Sacrifice My Principal to Unmask ThinkMarkets
    I don't care about my principal anymore—I'm here to expose this platform and prevent others from becoming victims like me. Many individuals around me have lost their funds and profits, and it's time we stand together! ThinkMarkets treats clients like fools. They welcome losers but use every trick to prevent profitable clients from withdrawing their money. This is a classic scam—a trap for unsuspecting traders! Since they BLOCKED my withdrawal last December, I’ve sent 11 emails over five months, yet received ZERO replies. I filed multiple complaints with regulators, providing all necessary evidence. On June 19, they claimed they were "still investigating," but no progress has been made. Now, nine months later, after another complaint on September 11, they responded with more empty promises. they finally contacted me—not with genuine assistance but with THREATS! They demanded I delete my posts or risk losing my principal while they simp


