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    特此通知您,我本人 Noor Hasan Lodi,来自西孟加拉邦 Sunny Park Malda,电话 +919007046822。2013 年 11 月 2 日至 2013 年 11 月 2 日期间,电话 +442037693249,Krish Aaryan 先生联系了 Admiral Trades 公司 (https://admtrades.com/),并说服我进行交易目的的教育和培训。他们要求我支付 200 美元的注册费并创建了我的真实交易账户 ID:100659。他说您的 Profillio 经理将是 Joseph Juha +442038074833,我开始交易后,他要求我更新账户以获得更好的计划,并提供了 4 个计划。我要求最低计划为 5000 美元,之后通过向朋友借钱非常困难地付款。付款后,我的交易开始盈利,后来不知怎么的又亏损了,约瑟夫在 2023 年 12 月 14 日说,要收回亏损和利润,我必须升级 20000 美元的计划,然后他们才能收回所有的亏损和利润,并给了我巨大的阅读器来安排另一个 1 美元

    This is to inform you
    This is to inform you that m y self Noor Hasan Lodi from Sunny Park Malda On Dated between 02-Nov-23 14-02-Nov-2013Mr Krish Aaryan contacted Admiral Trades company and convinced for Education and training of Trading Purpose . For which they asked $200 for the registration and created my Live Trading Account Id:- 100659. And he said that you Profillio Manager will be Joseph Juha Started for the trading then he asked me to update the Account for better good plans and provided 4 No of plans. In which i asked for the lowest minimum plan of $5000 and paid after in a very difficult way by borrowing with my friends. After paying my trade went in profit and latter on somehow it went to loss in which Joseph Said on Dated 14.Dec.2023 that to recovery the loss and profit I have to upgrade the plan for $20000 Plan then all they can recovery all the loss & Profit and gave me huge peruser for arrange another $1


