2024年8月24日 11:35 发表于

大家好,我已经投诉过这家经纪公司,几天后他们联系我并说如果他们声称我的投诉是欺诈,那么他们将关闭我的帐户并退还我的钱,我告诉他们我把你们现在所说的话作为对我的投诉。他们说会发给你,但还没发,最近两天他们联系我,说我会关闭你的账户,然后把钱给你,我说好的,他们说他们会从你账户里的钱中收取 20% 的税,我说好的,从他们给我的钱中扣掉这笔钱,我说但是他们说,只有你交了 20% 的税,我才会给你钱,如果我们收到钱,然后扣除税款,然后我们就能拿到钱,但如果他们这么说,那么他们就是非常糟糕的经纪人,请不要相信他们,他们很差劲,所以大家要非常小心,有很多这样的人,所以在选择经纪人之前要三思,不要相信这些,不要相信这些是骗子
Hello everyone I had already complained about this brokerage and then after a few days they contacted me and said that if they claim that my complaint is fraudulent then they will close my account and give me my money, I told them that I am putting what you are saying now as a complaint against me. They said they will send it but they have not sent it yet and now last two days they contacted me and said I will close your account and give you money I said ok they said they will charge 20% tax from the money in your account I said ok keep it from the money they give me I said but for that they say I will give your money only if you pay that 20% tax then if we get a money then tax is deducted then we get money but if they say this then they are very bad brokers please people don't believe them they are bad so people BE VERY BEWARE THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE LIKE THESE SO THINK BEFORE CHOOSING A BROKER AND DECIDE DO NOT BELIEVE THESE DO NOT BELIEVE THESE ARE SCAMMERS