2024年8月12日 08:44 发表于

m.abansfx.com m.abansfx.cc 是一个大骗局
m.abansfx.com 、m.abansfx.cc 都是骗局,他们让你购买 USDT 在他们的门户网站上进行交易,但这是一个骗局。最初,他们会让你提取少量资金,但当你想提取超过 1000 美元的资金时,他们会要求你缴纳投资税,如果你缴纳了,他们会说你的账户需要审计,然后需要支付保证金等等。这是一个骗局,请不要投资。我损失了很多钱,以为这是合法的操作。他们使用一个叫杨的经纪人,他的各种号码是 + 852 94794416 +852 57715328 +44 7520637855 +44 7394230933
m.abansfx.com m.abansfx.cc a Big Scam
m.abansfx.com , m.abansfx.cc are a scam
they get you to buy USDT to trade on their portal but its a scam.
Initially, they will let you withdraw small amounts of money but when you want to withdraw anything over $1k, they will ask for investment tax, if you pay that then they will say that your account needs to be audited and then a security needs to be paid and so on and on.
it is a scam, please do not invest. i lost lot of money thinking its a legitimate operations.
they use a broker called Yang,