keshav ghule
2024年8月6日 10:28 发表于

Fx 富裕大骗局
我们已经向经纪人存入了 5551 美元 FXOpulence但是到今天为止他们还不允许我们提取任何款项,并且给出了不同的提款理由,说是安全攻击、技术错误,这些都是过去五六个月来一直存在的问题。据说现在没有任何动静,我被骗了,数百万其他人在外汇交易中被骗了,但是我们应该拿回我们的钱。
Fx opulence BIG SCAM
We have deposited $5551 with broker FXopulence but they have not allowed us to withdraw any kind of money till date and they are giving us different reasons for withdrawal, it is security attack, technical error, all this from last five-six months. It is said, but now there is no movement, and I have been cheated and millions of others have been financially cheated in fx opulence, but we should get our money back.