2024年7月26日 03:59 发表于

自过去 4 个月以来,经纪人没有给过一美元
亲爱的 wiki FX 团队,我在使用或关闭 2023 年 9 月的影响下,我的账户几乎翻了一番,但没有进行太多的提款,但似乎 2 月份的经纪人推迟了提款,并在 2 月底完全停止了,但我的交易账户中仍然有超过 8500 美元,请对其采取法律行动,我的账户截图以及我的队友账户,你可以看到上面和下面的账户
Since last 4 months broker hasn't given single $
I was use or off effects of September 2023 I almost double my account but not taken too much withdrawal but seems February broker delaying for withdrawal and at the end of February month totally stopped but still I am having more than 8500 in my trading account please take the legal action against it possible
Screenshot of my account and also my teammate account you can see above and below accounts