2024年7月22日 04:03 发表于

我在 7 月 10 日申请提款 800 美元,他们当天就批准了。但 12 天后,我仍然没有收到我的钱。我创建了票据来询问他们,他们只知道如何使用模板消息回复,没有向受影响的客户提供实际的解决方案。他们一直指责 Help2Pay 存在技术问题,但奇怪的是,他们仍然允许客户通过他们的仪表板通过 Help2Pay 存款/取款。我觉得他们只是以技术问题为借口不退还我们的钱!
Withdrawal approved but fund never arrive
I have requested withdrawal of 800USD on 10th July and they approved on the same day. But after 12 days, I still haven’t receive my money. I create ticket to ask them about this and they only know how to reply using template message, no actual resolution is given out to clients affected. They keep blaming Help2Pay is having technical issue but oddly they still allow clients to deposit/withdrawal via Help2Pay in their dashboard. I feel they are just using technical issue as an excuse to not return back our money!