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    2024年7月19日 04:46 发表于 印度

    投资消失于 Zara FX平台:5万美元

    fx6745925432 曝光 zara fx 所有者从他们的下行平台窃取了我所有的投资资金 50k 美元。他们从 2022 年 10 月到 2023 年 10 月开始进行社交交易 pamm。他们制作了机器人并拥有自己的交易 Zara FX公司交易员。他们在 mt4 平台上长期使用 pamm 账户进行社交交易后获得了巨大的浮动 Zara FX..他们收回了大约 75,000 美元的所有金额。然后他们自行提款(通过 Zara FX所有者😭)然后他们从他们自己的平台和 mt4 上删除了我的账户信息。我要求他们归还我的资本投资,但他们拒绝了。在我向阿联酋提起诉讼后,他们说所有投资都来自印度,所以我向喀拉拉邦警察局和法院提起诉讼。所有证据细节都提交给了警察局以追回我的投资金额。他们抢走了我的钱后,我身心俱疲

    Investment Disappears on Zara FX Platform: $50k
    Zara fx owners steal my all investment money from their down platform 50k usd . They had started social trading Pamm since October 2022 to 2023 October. They made robot and own trading from Zara fx company traders. They made huge floating after a long time keep in mt4 platform with pamm account social trading Zara fx.. after they made recovery all amount arround 75k usd after. Then they had self withdrawal (Steal my money by Zara fx owners 😭) then they did delete My account details from their own platform and MT4 . I asked them give back my capital investment they had refused. After i filed case against in UAE . They said received investment all from india so I case filed against in Kerala police station and courts.. all evidence details submitted to police station for recovery my investment amount .. iam mentally and physically down after they made loot my money


