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    IQ option 国际期权投资

    我叫潘卡吉·舒克拉,住在印度北方邦米尔扎布尔维恩迪亚恰尔卡尔纳盖普拉村,邮编231303。电话号码:9129964567、8317072017。我在 2022 年 5 月开设了IQ option平台的期权数字货币平台账户,进行了出入金,但在 2022 年 6 月 6 日之后,我获得了 200 万澳元日元的巨额利润......并且所有资金都投资在同一个平台移动应用程序 IQ option公司中..客户 ID 107712801,注册电话号码 919129964567,用户名瑞希卡潘卡杰,gmail ID 是我女儿学校客人帐户的 killerB2happy@gmail.com....并且我提交的所有文件根据那里的政策都是合法的,以潘卡吉·舒克拉的名义...现在已经两年多了,向公司支持门户询问..没有进展,也没有采取行动..但是他们却入侵了我的 Gmail ID killerB2happy@gmail.com 和 shuklappankaj587@gmail.com..甚至用于登录应用程序的 Instragram id Facebook Id...还有 Twitter 帐户..因为我在社交平台上分享了那天的收益.....公然抢劫无辜淳朴的穷人钱财.....

    investment of international option IQ option missi
    my name is pankaj shukla village kathvaiya post kalna gaipura Vindhyachal Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh India zipcode 231303..phone..9129964567,8317072017,, opened option digital trading currencies platform account of IQ option platform quadcode..in month may 2022 and made some deposit and withdrawal but.after 6 June 2022 by making huge profits of 20lac usdt of AUD JPY...and all money investment in the same platform mobile application iq option company.. client id 107712801,, register phone no 919129964567,user name Rishikapankaj gmail ID is killerB2happy@gmail.com of my daughter school guest account....and all the documents submitted byme is legal according to there policy in the name of pankaj shukla...now two years over asking to company support portal..none progress and action taken..but alternative they hacked my both Gmail ID killerB2happy@gmail.com &shuklappankaj587@gmail.com.. even Instragram id Facebook Id used to login in application...and Twitter account also.. because I shared that day gain post in all these social apps...this is daylight robbery against innocent and simple poor people money ...


