2024年7月5日 22:09 发表于

杰夫·布莱克利是美国弗罗里达人,他让我在 2023年6月5日小额入金2500比索。我当时很犹豫,但他说服了我,金额已经达到近 600,000.00比索。我们之前在facebook上聊天,但我屏蔽了他,这样就看不到,也不会再被骗。但是他又从whatsapp找到我,他的whatsapp 账号是 +234 907 417 8200。最后一次消息是在 2024 年7月1日,他告诉我会亲自把钱给我,之后我以为能拿到我的钱了,但是,他再次要求我支付 600 比索的清关费,但我已经不信了。将近 395天,我还以为他能帮我。下面是这个骗子的相关证据和照片,过去的1年零1个月了,我一直相信他。我不再指望钱会退还,我只希望这个人能被封锁,这样其他人就不会成为下一个受害者。
Investment Scam
This American foreigner named Jeff Blakely from Florida offered me to deposit a small amount worth 2500pesos on June 5 2023 i was so hesitant then but he convinced me til it reach almost 600,000.00 pesos already. before we used to chat at facebook but i blocked him so that i wont see and stopped this scam, but he searched me again from whatsapp until now, his whatsapp account number is +234 907 417 8200, the last i sent was on July 1 2024, telling me that he will bring to me the money in person, after that i expected that i could get my money already, but unluckily he asked again for 600 for a clearance fee but i already stopped. its almost 395 days that i thought he could be of help
below are proofs and pictures of this person who scammed me, i trusted and believed in him that reach for almost 1 year and 1 month.
i dont expect anymore if the money i sent will be returned to me, but i just want that this person be banned for doing such illegal activities so others wont be a victim of him3