2024年6月12日 06:31 发表于

紧急警报 - JasFX非法扣押投资者资产
我是MT5账户157052的账户持有人,自2023年11月起成为JasFX的客户。我很遗憾不得不公开投诉JasFX未能处理我的提款请求,尽管我多次尝试跟进此事。具体而言,我从2024年5月7日至2024年6月5日,已经向support_vn@jasfx.com发送了22封电子邮件,并通过热线电话1900 099 970联系了11次,要求JasFX处理我的5000美元提款。然而,JasFX尚未履行此请求。尽管我不断提醒并强调此问题的紧急性,JasFX只是“承认问题”,并表示他们将“调查信息并尽快回复”,但没有提供任何延迟的具体原因。我认为JasFX故意延迟和忽视我的请求,以便挪用投资者的资产。JasFX未能处理我的提款请求给我造成了重大损害。我不得不承担无法继续交易的损失,也面临日常开支的困难。这种延迟或拒绝处理提款订单不仅违反了JasFX对投资者的承诺,还破坏了社区对金融市场的信任。我敦促所有已经、正在或计划在JasFX上交易的人保持警惕,并慎重考虑自己的决定。我决定在各种在线平台上公开发布此投诉,以警示社区JasFX未能处理客户提款请求的情况。我希望这篇帖子能帮助其他投资者避免类似的麻烦。请分享此帖子,以警示尽可能多的投资者有关所涉风险。我们需要站出来要求JasFX立即停止这种不可接受的行为。
URGENT ALERT - The JasFX is illegally withholding investor assets
I am the account holder of MT5 account 157052, a customer of the JasFX since November 2023. I regret having to publicly complain that the JasFX has failed to process my withdrawal request, despite my numerous attempts to follow up on this matter.Specifically, I have sent 22 emails to the email and contacted the hotline 1900 099 970 on 11 times from May 7, 2024 to June 5, 2024, requesting that JasFX process my withdrawal of $5,000. However, the JasFX has yet to fulfill this request.Despite my continuous reminders and emphasis on the urgency of this issue, the JasFX has only responded by "acknowledging the problem" and stating they will "investigate the informationand respond as soon as possible", without providing any specific reasons for the delay. I feel the JasFX is intentionally delaying and ignoring my request in order to misappropriate investor assets.The JasFX's failure to process my withdrawal has caused me significant harm. I have had to bearlosses from being unable to continue trading, and I have also faced difficulties in my daily expenses.This delay or refusal to process withdrawal orders not only violates the JasFX's commitments toinvestors, but also erodes the trust of the community in the financial market. I urge everyone who has, is, or plans to trade on the JasFX to be vigilant and carefully consider their decision.I have decided to publicly post this complaint on various online platforms to warn the community about JasFX's failure to process customer withdrawal requests. I hope this post will help other investors avoid similar troubles.Please share this post to alert as many investors as possible about the risks involved. We need to stand up and demand that JasFX immediately cease this unacceptable behavior