2024年6月6日 02:29 发表于

我向EKADA C应用程序接口TAL FX(充值并通过他们的交易平台(进行交易。当我想要提取资金时,他们不允许我提取资金,原因是:“亲爱的客户,您好!您的税款已成功提交。根据风险控制部门的反馈,您的账户涉及他人存款、洗钱和其他非法活动,账户已被冻结。您需要支付该账户存款的10%(USD ... * 10% = USD ...),这笔款项将仅保留在您的钱包账户中,作为资金安全验证。请在24小时内完成支付,以便解冻并提取您的账户。
Ekada capital don't allow Investor to withdraw
I top-up money to EKADA CAPITAL FX ( and traded via their trading platform (, When I want to withdraw money, they don't allow me to withdraw money by the reason "Dear customers, hello! Your tax payment has been successfully submitted. According to the feedback from the risk control department, your account involves other people's deposits, money laundering and other illegal activities, and the account has been blocked. You need to pay 10% of the deposit in this account (USD ...* 10% = USD ...), which will only be kept in your wallet account as a verification of the safety of funds. Please complete the payment within 24 hours so that your account can be unfrozen and withdrawn".
When I asked why my account was related to money laundering and other illegal activities, they just quote a notice from CBRC (China Banking Regulatory Commission) and required me to pay the deposit, no more explanation.