Brijesh Tarachandani
2024年5月2日 17:11 发表于

我的名字是Bharat Sunil Tarachandani,我的MT5账号是710912。我在2024年4月17日首次提款时,他们先扣除了我的套利金额,然后在2024年4月18日当我提取剩余金额时,他们对我的账户进行了欺诈操作,导致余额变为负数。我已经给他们发了邮件,但他们没有回复,我也没有收到公司关于套利问题的任何邮件,而且我也没有进行套利操作,你可以在下面查看完整的邮件详情,请尽快解决我的问题,谢谢。
when I placed withdrawal they spoofing my account.
Hello team,
my name is Bharat Sunil Tarachandani my mt5 I'd is 710912 I placed withdrawal & they removed my scalping amount first on 17/ 04/2024 then on 18/04/2024 when I placed withdrawal of remaining amount they did spoofing on my account & balance is now negative I did mail to them but they are not replying & I didn't received any mail from company for scalping issue & I didn't did scalping you can check full mail details below please solve my problem as soon as possible thank you.