Pankaj Peshwani
2024年4月30日 17:05 发表于

我是来自印度的Pankaj Peshwani,我的mt5账号是710988,我在2024年4月18日申请了一笔499美元的提款,我也收到了提款批准的邮件,客户门户也显示已批准,但是金额还未存入我的usdt钱包,我在此邮件中还附上了邮件、钱包和mt5账户的截图,请尽快解决我的问题。
Amount still not credited in my Crypto wallet
I am Pankaj Peshwani, from India , My mt5 I'd is 710988, I make a 499dollar withdrawal on 18/4/2024 , I also got mail of withdrawal approval, also Showing approved in Client portal, but amount still not credited in my usdt wallet, i have also attached the screenshot of the mail, my wallet and also mt5 accounts details with this mail, plz Solve my problem as soon as possible.