2024年4月16日 01:38 发表于

Capitalix 欺诈外汇交易公司
我在这个平台上投资了 3500 英镑,辛苦赚来的30万卢比,被错误地引导投资外汇交易。最初只有葡萄显示利润。我们想出金,但不让,还派经理来说服我们不出金。欺诈平台,不要在此投资。他们是一级诈骗公司。 我们的私人经理非常精明,能在外汇交易账户入金,但不允许出金。他们很伪善地说,要想出金,需要在他们的账户中入金更多。
Capitalix fraud forex trading company
I had invested this flatform 3500 £ that means INR 3 lakhs hard earned money,They were guided wrongly to invest forex trading.Intially only grape is showing profit.However we want to withdraw our funds means not allowing to withdraw the personal manager they will convince not to withdraw the amount.Totally fraud flatform don't invest this app.They are class one scam company. Our personal manager sham very much talent to brings the the funds to invest the forex trading account.He won't allow to withdraw our funds.They were talking nicely to invest more fund in our account any time you can withdraw your funds they were convinced nicely.